par Foued Sam 17 Mai 2008 - 2:09
Hi everybody
It's true that's not very easy to understand, But I believe that practice is the best way to improve our Language.
I also agree with mumy Djaouida that with time, the ear gets used of american English.
On MBC 2 & 4, there is a great adventage, which is the arabic subtitle, that helps us a lot understaning especially idiomatic expressions.
I have a great exemple:
I know a little child who just started pronounicing most of words in ENGLISH!!!! her mother told me that she used to let her watching cartoons in English since one year, just because she liked that channel.
Now, Wissem can make sentences in English, and she knows most names.
It is really amasing, but the most surprising thing is her pronounciation!!!!!!! she really pronounces just as an american!!!
thank you